The Friends of Pewley Meadows (FoPM) association is formed as an unincorporated association upon the grant of a long lease (the Lease) to Surrey Wildlife Trust (SWT) of fields formerly part of New Warren Farm and referred to in this document as Pewley Meadows.
The aims of FoPM will be to ensure that the Meadows nurture wildlife, provide additional amenity space for local people, offer environmental education opportunities and are protected from development in perpetuity as specified in the Lease.
Specifically, FoPM will endeavour to:
1) Ensure that the Meadows are set aside for nature conservation under a long-term conservation management plan developed and managed by SWT. FoPM will work in partnership with SWT to support the delivery of the plan.
2) Ensure that amenity space for local people is provided in the Meadows through public access strips and other appropriate methods (see Pewley Meadows Map below).
3) Ensure that environmental education opportunities are offered in liaison with Holy Trinity Pewley Down School (HTPD), Guildford Environmental Forum (GEF), Pewley Down Volunteers (PDV) and other local conservation groups.
4) Ensure that the Restricted Fund created by SWT from donations by local people is used appropriately for the purposes of purchasing the land, repair or removal of infrastructure including fencing, barn, access and tree safety works and ongoing management of the land for the benefit of nature and the local community. This aim is not to imply in any way that FoPM or its Committee accept any liability for donations freely given by residents for these purposes.
5) Facilitate the establishment of a volunteer group to assist with the management of the land.
6) Offer opportunities to local people to learn about and appreciate the rare wildlife and ecology of the Meadows and wider area.
Membership of FoPM will be offered initially to all those who donated to the SWT Restricted Fund or who helped in the bid to buy the Meadows in 2021. The Committee can offer membership to other interested parties, or remove it from individuals, subject to the approval of the AGM. Membership fees can be recommended by the Committee to the AGM
FoPM will hold an Annual General Meeting (AGM), either in person or online, and other meetings as appropriate. Each member will be entitled to one vote with the Chairman having a deciding vote if required.
The AGM of FoPM will appoint a Committee consisting of up to 15 members, including a representative from Holy Trinity Pewley Down School (HTPD).
The Committee will be responsible for the management and administration of FoPM.
It will liaise with SWT, HTPD, GEF, PDV, Holy Trinity Amenity Group (HTAG), Rosamund Community Gardens, Guildford Borough Council (GBC), and other local conservation groups and interested parties as appropriate.
The Committee will each year appoint a Chairperson, a Secretary, a Treasurer and other Officers as required
The Chairperson will chair meetings and oversee governance and the working of the group.
The Secretary or Membership Officer will securely hold a list of Members and communicate with them as appropriate.
The Treasurer will keep financial records and ensure any financial transactions are carried out in accordance with the aims of FoPM and good governance.
Under the terms of the Lease, SWT will set up a Conservation Steering Group (CSG) for consultation on the long-term management of the Meadows.
Three members of the Committee will be eligible to attend meetings of the CSG and FoPM will endeavour to send at least one representative to each meeting. The CSG will have representation from other partners in the Meadows (including SWT, Julia Stephenson, HTPDS, GBC, GEF, HTAG and PDV).
FoPM will receive a one-off grant (up to £10,000 from gift aid received on donations by SWT) to fund expenses associated with its operations such as legal, printing and secretarial costs from the SWT Restricted Fund. FoPM will raise other funds as needed to meet its aims.
This map was created by the campaign steering group and used by all parties in the transaction to illustrate the area we now call Pewley Meadows, its boundaries and the potential amenity areas.
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© 2021 Friends of Pewley Meadows